Pre-departure to Post-departure Services

At Studylane, our commitment to supporting Nepalese students extends beyond the application process. We provide comprehensive

 pre-departure to post-departure services to ensure that students are well-prepared for every aspect of their study abroad journey.

Pre-departure Services.
Before students embark on their study abroad adventure, we offer guidance and assistance with essential preparations, including:

Visa application support: 
Our expert counselors provide personalized assistance with visa applications, ensuring that students have all the necessary documentation and are fully prepared for embassy interviews.

Travel arrangements: 
We help students plan their travel logistics, including booking flights, arranging transportation to their destination, and ensuring they have all necessary travel documents.

Accommodation assistance: 
Studylane assists students in finding suitable accommodation options, whether it's on-campus housing, homestays, or private rentals.

Orientation sessions:
 We provide orientation sessions to prepare students for life in their new country, covering topics such as cultural norms, academic expectations, and practical tips for adjusting to a new environment.

Post-departure Services
Once students arrive at their study destination, Studylane continues to provide support and assistance throughout their academic journey, including:

Academic advising:
 Our team offers guidance on course selection, academic resources, and study strategies to help students excel in their studies.

Cultural adjustment assistance:
 We provide ongoing support to help students navigate cultural differences and adapt to their new environment.

Alumni networking: 
Studylane facilitates connections between current students and alumni, providing opportunities for networking, mentorship, and support.